My Approach
Life can be wonderful, joyous and beautiful. Life can also be messy, overwhelming, perplexing and even heartbreaking at times. When we’re ready to reach out for support, it can be confusing to know which is the best path or direction to go.
In times like this, rather than feeling as though you are stumbling through a maze with tricky twists, turns and dead ends, I think of our work as walking a labyrinth. A labyrinth is an ancient symbol that has been used for centuries as a meditation tool where, if you choose, you enter and walk on a purposeful path into the center. There you may receive an understanding, insight, truth or wisdom about yourself that you carry back out into your life.
I am a big believer in seeing life challenges as a catalyst for self-discovery, personal growth and positive change. I strive to create a safe and nurturing space where together we will invite your curiosity to lead the way through the labyrinth, connecting you with your inner wisdom and the healing steps you can take to live your life in a more engaged and meaningful way.
Depending on your needs, my approach may include a combination of insight, self-reflection, experiential creative processes, mindfulness, guided imagery and hypnotherapy to support you on your journey of personal growth and healing.
I specialize in helping my clients work with:
Limiting core beliefs
Grief and loss
Life changes
Creative blocks
Relational issues
Desired habit change